A - B - C
TITLE DDC NUMBERS | Inventory Number |
A biography of President Rauf Raif Denktaş (923.1/DEN/7-) | 43677 |
A brief guide to the Cyprus Turkish museum - Cevdet Çağdaş (069/ÇAĞ/67) | 61231 |
A brief history of Cyprus - C.Spyridakis (956.93/SPY/64) | 33931 |
A brief of Turkish Cypriot digital photography- Kadir Kaba (778.66/KAB/08) | 88648 |
A challenge on Cyprus - R.R.Denktaş (956.9305/DEN/9-) | 50696 |
A chronology of the Cyprus problem (956.9303/CHR/80) | 57487 |
A complete gazetteer of TRNC (910.3/COM/92) | 52997 |
A Cyprus cook's calendar - Sue Lennane (641.592895/LEN/69) | 49474 |
A dictionary English idioms - Gülten H.Fettahoğlu (423/FET/9-) | 62726 |
A functional Cyprus settlement - Tim Potier (341.29/POT/07) | 85248 |
A fügemagbeli szep leany - Mustafa Gökçeoğlu (398.21095693/GÖK/07) | 88309 |
A glance at historic Nicosia - Haşmet M.Gürkan (721.095693/GÜR/87) | 46310 |
A glance at the Turkish art in Cyprus (700.95693/GLA/7-) | 19003 |
A guide of Cyprus - Philip Newman (915.693/NEW/48) | 78706 |
A guide to educational opportunities (370.7/GUI/--) | 88934 |
A guide to the antiquities of Kyrenia - W.Dreghorn (915.693/DRE/77) | 69714 |
A guide to the antiquities of Kyrenia - W.Dreghorn (915.693/DRE/82) | 38820 |
A guide to the Cyprus museum - P.Dikaios (069.5/DIK/61) | 60398 |
A handbook of criminal cases - R.R.Denktaş (347.053/DEN/55) | 82017 |
A heritage of 400 years (025.341/HER/08) | 88106 |
A history of Cyprus - Sir George Hill (956.9302/HIL/52) | 86861 |
A holiday to remember - Gerald Sparrow (915.693/SPA/9--) | 80793 |
A new pattern of relationship in Cyprus (956.9305/NEW/90) | 75032 |
A permanent solution - Fazıl Kuchuk (956.9304/KUC/57) | 725 |
A pictorial brief on Cyprus (956.93/PIC/01) | 77903 |
A quien inculpar? (956.9304/QUI/75) | 39538 |
A short convincing argument ...- S.S.Dedeçay (956.93/DED/199-) | 82042 |
A short discourse on Cyprus - R.R.Denktaş (956.9304/DEN/72) | 75027 |
A short history of Cyprus - Philip Newman (956.93/NEW/40) | 82177 |
A short history of Cyprus - Philip Newman (956.93/NEW/40) | 82177 |
A short history of Cyprus- Philip Newman (956.93/NEW/53) | 78204 |
A time to remember -Korkmaz Haktanır (956.9305/HAK/00) | 72337 |
ABC of flower gardening for Cyprus - Lady Murphy (635.9095693/MUR/56) | 33994 |
ABC of flower gardening in Cyprus - Lady Murphy (635.9095693/MUR/62) | 60441 |
About Cyprus (915.693/ABO/04) | 84825 |
Administrative law - Zaim M.Nedjatigil (342.0602646/NED/74) | 38822 |
Advanced basıc programming - Doğan İbrahim (005.262/İBR/92) | 63853 |
Advanced pascal for students - Doğan İbrahim (005.262/İBR/94) | 63849 |
Advances in civil engineering (624/ADV/00) | 77253 |
Advances in civil engineering (624/ADV/00) | 77254 |
Advances in civil engineering (624/ADV/00) | 77255 |
Advances in civil engineering (624/ADV/00) | 77256 |
All men are born free (323.4095693/ALL/8-) | 88596 |
All men are created equal (323.4095693/ALL/8-) | 88597 |
Along the most beautiful path in the world (306.095693/ALO/99) | 77815 |
Alper's vocabulary - Hussein Shafi Alper (483.21/ALP/38) | 44737 |
An appeal for Cyprus (956.9304/APP/76) | 31988 |
An authentic study and documentation... (323/AUT/75) | 88647 |
An endless poem North Cyprus - Zeynel Yeşilay (915.693/YEŞ/07) | 84822 |
An illus. Flora of North Cyprus - D.E.Viney (582.13095693/VIN/94) | 80795 |
An introduction to intern.organisation and political ins.- Osman Örek (341.1/ÖRE/94) | 58791 |
An introduction to the history and geography of Cyprus-A.Sophocleous (956.93/SOP/97) | 85839 |
Analysis of foreign trade 1975 (327.95693/ANA/76) | 88864 |
Ancient Cyprus - Veronica Tatton-Brown (939.37/TAT/97) | 80788 |
Annual report of the Public Information Office for 1980 (956.93/ANN/81) | 88866 |
Annual report on the Cyprus police force for the year 1962-H.C.Hassabis (363.2/HAS/63) | 32626 |
Anthology of Cypriot poetry - Costas Montis (889.1008/MON/74) | 88953 |
Aphrodite strip - Jack C.Goodwin (823.42/GOO/72) | 34046 |
Aphrodite's realm (915.693/APH/6-) | 33923 |
Aphrodite's realm (915.693/APH/62) | 34044 |
Appendix to the estimates of ...1948 (351.722009569304/APP/49) | 87655 |
Ar ri andhe - Lucy Maroulleti (915.693/MAR/00) | 89602 |
Archaeology lives in Cyprus (939.37/ARC/01) | 77672 |
Archbishop Makarios on the invasion of Cyprus (956.9304/ARC/6-) | 57492 |
Armenian terrorism - S.R.Sonyel (303.625/SON/87) | 45444 |
Art aware (759.95693/ART/05) | 82167 |
Art aware (759.95693/ART/05) | 82167 |
Asil Nadir ...- David Barchard (338.092/BAR/92) | 87533 |
Asme humanitas (323/ASM/77) | 88641 |
Aspects of Turkish civilisation in Cyprus- Emel Esin (721.09561/ESİ/65) | 14607 |
Assessing the status of women - Fatma G.Lisaniler (331.4133095693/LİS/03) | 78635 |
Atatürk-the founder of modern Turkey - Salahi R.Sonyel (956.1024/SON/89) | 48837 |
Atlas of Nicosia and suburbs (912.95693/ATL/9--) | 69900 |
Background on the Cyprus problem (956.93/BAC/92) | 77628 |
Barbarie a Chypre (956.9304/BAR/0-) | 76446 |
Basic facts about the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus (915.693/BAS/6-) | 42763 |
Basic programming - Doğan İbrahim (005.262/İBR/92) | 65328 |
Bays and beaches - W.Dreghorn (551.457/DRE/84) | 38424 |
Beethoven and other poems - Osman Turkay (811.42/TUR/78) | 35051 |
Besieged - Venhar Keskin (956.93/KES/01) | 74596 |
Bird conservation priorities in North Cyprus - Harry Sigg (639.978/SIG/91) | 51660 |
Birds of Cyprus - David A.Bannerman (598.295693/BAN/58) | 18475 |
Birds of Cyprus - David A.Bannerman (598.295693/BAN/89) | 73985 |
Birth of a state with postmarks - Mehmet Ertuğ (769.5695693/ERT/01) | 75690 |
Birth of state with postmarks - Mehmet Ertuğ (769.5695693/ERT/79) | 39051 |
Bitter lemons - L.Durrell (956.9303/DUR/58) | 10983 |
Bitter lemons - L.Durrell (956.9303/DUR/73) | 34034 |
Briefing notes on the Cyprus issue (956.9304/BRI/01) | 85085 |
Britain awake ... (956.93/BRI/6-) | 61724 |
British sovereing bases -Ahmet C Gazioğlu (327.5693/GAZ/95) | 58295 |
Brothers and enemies (956.9304/BRO/9-) | 82883 |
Brushstrokes across cultures III (759.95693074/BRU/97) | 88124 |
Budget for 1962 (351.722009569304/BUD/63) | 87389 |
Budget for 1963 (351.722009569304/BUD/64) | 87386 |
Budget for 1964 (351.722009569304/BUD/05) | 87387 |
Budget for 1965 (351.722009569304/BUD/66) | 87388 |
Budget for 1966 (351.722009569304/BUD/67) | 87385 |
Budget for 1967 (351.722009569304/BUD/68) | 87382 |
Budget for 1968 (351.722009569304/BUD/69) | 87381 |
Budget for 1969 (351.722009569304/BUD/70) | 87383 |
Budget for 1970 (351.722009569304/BUD/71) | 87384 |
Bulletin of the Cyprus bibl. 2002 (015.5693/BUL/03) | 89217 |
Bulletin of the Cyprus bibl. 2006 (015.5693/BUL/08) | 89216 |
Burdened with Cyprus - John Reddaway (956.9304/RED/01) | 73977 |
Burdened with Cyprus - John Reddaway (956.9304/RED/86) | 44608 |
Business law - Osman Örek (346.0664/ÖRE/91) | 82156 |
Case studies on a post-conflict ..-Dolores B.Lasan (327.1/LAS/0-) | 87118 |
Cases (The Cyprus law reports 1961) (340.525693/CAS/63) | 85179 |
Catalogue of films 1951 (778.55074/CAT/51) | 88489 |
Charter of citizen's rights (323/CHA/01) | 82073 |
Christos anesti- Kadir Kaba (779.9074/KAB/05) | 82710 |
Chronicle : of the contemporary tragedy of Cyprus (956.9304/CHR/78) | 89608 |
Chronology of Cyprus conflict (956.9303/CHR/78) | 57687 |
Chypre : pourquoi? (956.93/CHY/64) | 18055 |
Chypre du Nord (915.693/CHR/95) | 58857 |
Chypre mythes et realites - Turhan Feyzioğlu (956.9304/FEY/84) | 79174 |
Chypre romantique - Kevork K.Keshishian (915.693/KES/74) | 78113 |
Collect Cyprus coins - T.J.Fitikides (737.495693/FIT/85) | 86811 |
Comments on the working paper...- M.Necati M.Ertekin (341.26/ERT/79) | 40429 |
Common birds of Cyprus - J.M.E.Took (598.295693/TOO/73) | 60415 |
Common birds of Cyprus - J.M.E.Took (598.295693/TOO/82) | 86805 |
Concrete substantial voluminous (320.95693/CON/78) | 88931 |
Conspiracy to destroy the Republic of Cyprus (341.37/CON/66) | 61733 |
Contemporary Cyprus - Hugo J. Gobbi (320.95693/GOB/97) | 87287 |
Continuing violations of human rights by Turkey in Cyprus (323/CON/92) | 88887 |
Cost and returns of tobacco production (338.1021/COS/64) | 85081 |
Cottage in Kyrenia - Franklin Lushington (915.693/LUS/52) | 34023 |
Countdown to rebellion- George H. Kelling (956.9304/KEL/90) | 86815 |
Creating for future (620/CRE/00) | 73108 |
Creating the future (080/CRE/04) | 79348 |
Creating the future (080/CRE/02) | 76401 |
Creating the future : 4th FAE international symposium-vol.I (080/CRE/06) | 83557 |
Creating the future : 4th FAE international symposium-vol.II (080/CRE/06) | 83558 |
Cultural heritage of Northern Cyprus (363.69095693/CUL/86) | 44758 |
Cultural heritage of Northern Cyprus: its protection and .. (363.69095693/CUL/90) | 73551 |
Cypern - Joseph Koenig (915.693/KOE/72) | 57677 |
Cypern, die ınsel der Aphrodite- Achilleas Lymbourides (915.693/LYM/73) | 33999 |
Cyprian shore - A.Rushworth (823.912/RUS/54) | 20774 |
Cypriot&American art photographers (770.920216/CYP/06) | 83597 |
Cyprus (956.93/CYP/60) | 61438 |
Cyprus (956.93/CYP/74) | 65400 |
Cyprus (956.93/CYP/76) | 84860 |
Cyprus (315.693/CYP/54) | 25002 |
Cyprus (315.693/CYP/54) | 25003 |
Cyprus (315.693/CYP/56) | 25004 |
Cyprus (315.693/CYP/57) | 25005 |
Cyprus (915.693/CYP/96) | 88867 |
Cyprus (315.693/CYP/57) | 25015 |
Cyprus (915.693/CYP/60) | 73975 |
Cyprus - David Ford (915.693/FOR/73) | 60480 |
Cyprus - Franz Georg Maier (956.93/MAI-68) | 33925 |
Cyprus - Harry Luke (956.93/LUK/73) | 73994 |
Cyprus - Michael Lee (915.693/LEE/73) | 55242 |
Cyprus - Patroclos Stavrou (915.693/STA/69) | 33916 |
Cyprus - Robert Stephens (956.93/STE/66) | 19745 |
Cyprus - Stephen G.Xydis (956.9303/XYD/67) | 23911 |
Cyprus - Vassos Karageorghis (930.1/KAR/68) | 47753 |
Cyprus (The need for new ...) (956.9304/CYP/00) | 78492 |
Cyprus . Under an english king - Geo Jeffery (956.9303/JEF/73) | 60721 |
Cyprus : 7 questions, 7 answers (956.93/CYP/99) | 67163 |
Cyprus : a historical sketch (956.93/CYP/02) | 88933 |
Cyprus : a tourist centre (388.479195693/CYP/89) | 88869 |
Cyprus : Akel newsletter (320.532/CYP/62) | 40394 |
Cyprus : at the crossroads (320.95693/CYP/88) | 84510 |
Cyprus : communiques .. (956.9304/CYP/74) | 82013 |
Cyprus : down memory lane - Oktay Öksüzoğlu (070.44995693/ÖKS/91) | 75082 |
Cyprus : images of a lifetime - Reno Wideson (956.93/WID/92) | 86809 |
Cyprus : imports and exports statistics (382.1021/CYP/77) | 88865 |
Cyprus : My deposition - Glafkos Clerides (956.9304/CLE/89) | 84519 |
Cyprus : nationalism and international politics - Michael A.Attalides (327.5693/ATT/03) | 85249 |
Cyprus : religions aspect of the conflict - M.Rıfat Yücelten (956.9304/YÜC/73) | 65330 |
Cyprus : report 1879 (915.693/CYP/1880) | 87009 |
Cyprus : Selected treaties .. - Murat Metin Hakkı (341.370266095693/CYP/04) | 83221 |
Cyprus : Selected treaties ..vol.II - Murat Metin Hakkı (341.370266095693/CYP/04) | 83222 |
Cyprus : The ısland of sustained crises - Ahmet C.Gazioğlu (956.9304/GAZ/02) | 74770 |
Cyprus : the island of sustained crises ((956.9304/CYP/98) | 65762 |
Cyprus : the island of sustained crises (956.9304/CYP/99) | 68175 |
Cyprus : the paradox of enosis (956.9304/CYP/71) | 37474 |
Cyprus : The problem in perspective (956.93/CYP/69) | 34020 |
Cyprus : the tale of an island - Absar Husain Rizvi (956.9304/RIZ/--) | 87211 |
Cyprus : time to look at facts with courage (956.9304/CYP/76) | 57489 |
Cyprus : travellers guide - Hazel Thurston (915.693/THU/71) | 47754 |
Cyprus : where race-politics alone determine human values (623.854095693/CYP/73) | 40416 |
Cyprus : Why not a federation -Zeliha sezgin Khashman (956.9305/KHA/00) | 72342 |
Cyprus : why?why? (956.9304/CYP/64) | 74767 |
Cyprus : yesterday and today - Pierre Oberling (956.9304/OBE/--) | 87278 |
Cyprus :See the pearl of the mediterranean (915.693/CYP/6-) | 33967 |
Cyprus :society and cylture 1191-1374 (306.09569301/CYP/05) | 85246 |
Cyprus :the destruction of a republic and its aftermath (956.9304/SON/03) | 77049 |
Cyprus :the missing persons (305.90694/CYP/89) | 80738 |
Cyprus 1974 : Greek coup and Turkish invasion-Makarios Drousiotis(956.9304/DRO/06) | 85250 |
Cyprus 2000 - Christian Heinze (956.9305/HEI/00) | 77420 |
Cyprus 2000 : divided or federal - Robert I.Rotberg (956.9304/ROT/98) | 83248 |
Cyprus 25 th year (956.93/CYP/8-) | 50698 |
Cyprus an indictment and defence - R.R.Denktaş (341.095693/DEN/87) | 57690 |
Cyprus and European Union membership (341.242/CYP/02) | 88917 |
Cyprus and international law (341.095693/CYP/02) | 80939 |
Cyprus and its constitutional ...- C.G.Tornaritis (341.3095693/TOR/77) | 82011 |
Cyprus and the European Union : The expert view (341.242/CYP/95) | 88863 |
Cyprus and the European Union : The Turkish Cypriot view... (341.242/CYP/96) | 87215 |
Cyprus and the governorship of Sir Ronald Storrs -G.S.Georghallides(956.9303/GEO/85) | 85245 |
Cyprus and the international economy-Rodney Wilson (337.095693/WIL/92) | 86812 |
Cyprus certificate geographies- D.Christodoulou (915.693/CHR/54) | 78182 |
Cyprus conflict - Christian Heinze (956.9304/HEI/86) | 57689 |
Cyprus environmental directory (628.505025/CYP/05) | 88891 |
Cyprus Guerrilla - Doros Alastos (356.15/ALA/60) | 10931 |
Cyprus has never been a Greek ...- Vergi Bedevi (956.9304/BED/64) | 82043 |
Cyprus International Symposium on her past and present (956.93/CYP/94) | 57477 |
Cyprus in colour (779.4/CYP/57) | 73982 |
Cyprus intercommunal talks (956.9304/CYP/79) | 88926 |
Cyprus intercommunal talks (956.9304/CYP/81) | 88925 |
Cyprus invitation - William Forwood (915.693/FOR/71) | 55241 |
Cyprus island of saints (262.730095693/CYP/08) | 90667 |
Cyprus peace operation-Sabahattin İsmail (956.9304/İSM/00) | 69728 |
Cyprus problem : why no solution (956.9304/CYP/97) | 90662 |
Cyprus question and the United Nations - Ü.Haluk Bayülken (956.9305/BAY/01) | 73141 |
Cyprus questions and Greek extermination plans (956.93/CYP/77) | 31987 |
Cyprus the problem (956.93/CYP/67) | 61123 |
Cyprus under British rule - C.W.J.Orr (956.9303/ORR/72) | 60956 |
Cyprus under the Turks - Harry Luke (956.9302/LUK/69) | 90193 |
Cyprus Versus Cyprus - Bülent Akarcalı (320.9569305/AKA/01) | 80802 |
Cyprus, 1963-64 - Aytuğ Plümer (956.9304/PLÜ/03) | 77289 |
Cyprus, economic aspect - Rüstem Tatar (330.95693/TAT/77) | 57494 |
Cyprus, EU and Turkey (070.442095693/CYP/98) | 65733 |
Cyprus, the island of Aphrodite - Achilleas Lymbourides (915.693/LYM/74) | 33975 |
Cyprus: constitutional proposals and ..- Zaim M.Nedjatigil (956.9304/NED/77) | 89603 |
Cyprus: Greek Cypriot civil society organizations (366.0095693025/CYP/07) | 85386 |
Cyprus: Greek Cypriot civil society organizations (rumca) (366.0095693025/CYP/07) | 85393 |
Cyprus: on the way to EU membership (341.242/CYP/02) | 88930 |
Cyprus: on the way to EU membership (341.242/CYP/03) | 88880 |
Cyprus: the island of Aphrodite (915.693/LYM/67) | 33976 |
Cyprus: The way to full EU membership (341.242/CYP/99) | 88889 |
Cyprus: Turkish Cpyriot civil society organizations (366.095693025/CYP/07) | 85388 |
Cyprus: Turkish Cpyriot civil society organizations (rumca) (366.095693025/CYP/07) | 85390 |
Cyprus:10000 years of history and civilization (939.37/CYP/01) | 80737 |
Cyprus:a few facts and the rule of law - Ahmet C.Gazioğlu (956.93/GAZ/01) | 73180 |
Cyprus:impact of diverse ...- Halil İ.Salih (956.93/SAL/78) | 80760 |
Cyprus:in pictures (915/693/CYP/88) | 80741 |
Cyprus:Makarios on Enosis - Osman Örek (956.9304/ÖRE/74) | 80762 |
Cyprus:the untold stories - Sevgül Uludağ (070.4495693/ULU/05) | 81192 |
Cyprus:yesterday today - Hasan A.Deveci (956.9304/DEV/76) | 80739 |