S - T - U
Inventory Number |
Salamis (915.69304/SAL/7-) | 53051 |
Salamis in Cyprus - V.Karageorghis (939.37/KAR/69) | 34009 |
Scenarios to the Cyprus problem...- Mustafa Damdelen (327.5693/DAM/--) | 89370 |
Sculptures from Salamis - V. Karageorghis (930.10282/KAR/66) | 34074 |
Second five year development plan (338.95693/TUR/88) | 49497 |
Second Internatıonal congress or Cyprus studies (vol.1a) (956.93/SEC/99) | 72689 |
Second Internatıonal congress or Cyprus studies (vol.1b) (956.93/SEC/99) | 72690 |
See Cyprus - Paul Watkins (915.693/WAT/72) | 33972 |
Selected Cyprus specialities - Y.Christodoulides (641.5915693/CHR/90) | 87461 |
Self-taught Turkish method - M.Sabri Konur (411.44/KON/46) | 9088 |
Setting the record straight on Cyprus- Zaim M.Nedjatigil (956.9304/NED/7-) | 32969 |
Seven years without a home (956.9304/SEV/70) | 79173 |
Sincerity V Slander (704.9499/SIN/8-) | 50700 |
Sincerity V Slander - Sabahattin İsmail (704.9499/İSM/01) | 73829 |
Sketch guide book to Mağusa - William Dreghorn (915.693/DRE/96) | 63825 |
Some reflections on the Cyprus problem (956.9304/SOM/82) | 57488 |
Sonata - K.Belevi (787.87/BEL/96) | 69930 |
South Cyprus - Nihal Erülgen (341.242/ERÜ/02) | 82040 |
Sovereignty divided - Michael Moran (956.93/MOR/98) | 65752 |
Sovereignty divided - Michael Moran (956.93/MOR/99) | 68192 |
Specification for underground cables - S.G.Anastassiades (621.31095693/ANA/73) | 79928 |
St. Hilarion castle and Bellapais Abbey (728.81/SAI/8-) | 59308 |
St.Hilarion castle (728.81/SAI/63) | 88077 |
Statistical yearbook 1978 (315.693/TUR/79) | 40449 |
Statistical yearbook 1979 (315.693/TUR/80) | 40439 |
Statistical yearbook 1981 (315.693/TUR/82) | 88603 |
Statistical yearbook 1982 (315.693/TUR/83) | 88674 |
Statistical yearbook 1984 (315.693/TUR/85) | 43893 |
Statistics of education 1996/97 (370.021/STA/98) | 73012 |
Step-mothertongue (809.8950943505645/STE/00) | 77970 |
Stories from Shakespeare - Gülten Fettahoğlu (822.33/FET/03) | 77614 |
Storm clouds over Cyprus - Clement Dodd (320.9569305/DOD/01) | 80740 |
Storm clouds over Cyprus - Clement Dodd (320.9569305/DOD/02) | 87297 |
Structural changes in the economy of North Cyprus (330.95693/STR/91) | 50693 |
Structural desing - Ata Atun (691/ATU/94) | 63877 |
Subsidiary legislation of Cyprus (348.022/CYP/1954) | 14664 |
Suite - K.Belevi (787.87/BEL/96) | 69940 |
Sustaninability of microstates - Ozay Mehmet (338.95693/OZA/09) | 90730 |
Syllabus general instructions specimen papers for EETME (420.76/SYL/75) | 65309 |
Syllabus general instructions specimen papers for EETOE (420.76/SYL/75) | 61429 |
Symphonies for the world - Osman Türkay (811.42/TÜR/89) | 76881 |
Tables of definite integrals - Eren Başaran (515.4/BAŞ/87) | 63848 |
Technical report - Carlo M.Musso (306.689/MUS/73) | 65395 |
Terrorism in Cyprus (303.625/TER/6-) | 25000 |
The 1960 treaties on Cyprus (341.29/ONE/03) | 85251 |
The Administration of Vakfs Cyprus facts in fiqures 1983 (361.7632/ADM/8-) | 57997 |
The anatomy of the Cyprus stalemate - Latife Birgen (956.9304/BİR/77) | 40434 |
The antiquities of Turkish Nicosia - W.Dreghorn (721.095693/DRE/79) | 37782 |
The armenian file - Kamuran Gürün (956.100491992/GÜR/85) | 76919 |
The Armenian question - Mim Kemal Öke (956.100491992/ÖKE/88) | 47764 |
The art of innovation - Dimis Michaelides (753.6/MIC/07) | 84885 |
The birth of The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus... (956.9304/BIR/84) | 88598 |
The book of english - Costas Shantonas (370.7123/SHA/74) | 82047 |
The British connection with Cyprus since ...- John Reddaway (956.9304/RED/86) | 50687 |
The butterfly and the lion - Peray Harman (398.245/HAR/10) | 90158 |
The castle of St. Hilarion - Philip Newman (915.693/NEW/48) | 10944 |
The castle of St. Hilarion - Philip Newman (915.693/NEW/70) | 41354 |
The church and terrorism in Cyprus (303.625/CHU/57) | 60545 |
The city of the heart-Yunus Emre (811.23/YUN/04) | 90665 |
The city of the heart-Yunus Emre (811.23/YUN/92) | 53195 |
The clearing up of certain misrepresentations (320.95693/CLE/69) | 18999 |
The Columbia silkscreen collection- Spyros Chryssi Demetriades (759.95693/DEM/02) | 89604 |
The constitution of the TFSC (342.02026/CON/9--) | 80736 |
The continuing violation of human rights by Turkey in Cyprus (323/CON/02) | 88885 |
The crux of the Cyprus question - Turhan Feyzioğlu (956.9304/FEY/87) | 73602 |
The cultural heritage of Northern Cyprus (363.69095693/CUL/92) | 53663 |
The cultural heritage of Northern Cyprus (363.69095693/CUL/96) | 86808 |
The Cypriot Turkish case and greek atrocities in Cyprus (956.9304/CYP/64) | 18047 |
The Cyprus conflict - Christian Heinze (956.9304/HEI/71 ) | 31995 |
The Cyprus conflict - Zaim M.Nedjatigil (956.9304/NED/81) | 61224 |
The Cyprus conflict - Zenon Stavrinides (956.9304/STA/75 | 31866 |
The Cyprus conflict - Zenon Stavrinides (956.9304/STA/99) | 68204 |
The Cyprus conflict and the negotiations - Ahmet Sözen (341.37/SÖZ/98) | 65670 |
The cyprus dispute - N.M.Ertekin (956.93/ERT/84) | 75355 |
The Cyprus government railway (1905-1951)-A. Hadjilyra (385.095693/HAD/06) | 86954 |
The Cyprus imbroglio - Clement H.Dodd (956.93/DOD/98) | 65671 |
The Cyprus issue - Clement H.Dodd (956.93/DOD/95) | 77438 |
The Cyprus issue - Clement H.Dodd ( 956.93/DOD/94) | 80787 |
The Cyprus issue past, present and the vision ... (956.93/CYP/01) | 76455 |
The Cyprus law report (348.046/CYP/62) | 80733 |
The Cyprus matter - Uğur Uzer (956.93/UZE/02) | 82012 |
The Cyprus problem - H.Fikret Alasya (956.9304/ALA/78) | 42756 |
The Cyprus problem - H.Fikret Alasya (956.9304/ALA/79) | 36785 |
The Cyprus problem - Jesus Zeus (956.93/ZEU/92) | 88952 |
The Cyprus problem - R.R.Denktaş (956.93/DEN/04) | 79172 |
The Cyprus problem - R.R.Denktaş (956.93/DEN/74) | 40418 |
The Cyprus problem - R.R.Denktaş (956.93/DEN/86) | 77411 |
The Cyprus problem : a brief review (956.9304/CYP/71) | 74768 |
The Cyprus problem : Religions tolerance and all that - Fazıl Plümer (956.9304/PLÜ/88) | 73553 |
The Cyprus problem and the remedy - R.R.Denktaş (320.95693/DEN/92) | 80800 |
The Cyprus problem notes to history - Latife Birgen (956.9304/BİR/07) | 84259 |
The Cyprus question (956.93/CYP/92) | 89599 |
The Cyprus question - Bülent Ecevit (956.9304/ECE/84) | 82019 |
The Cyprus question - Michael Stephen (956.93/STE/00) | 73010 |
The Cyprus question - Michael Stephen (956.93/STE/97) | 65083 |
The Cyprus questions - Rechid S.Atabinen (956.9303/ATA/57) | 8581 |
The Cyprus questions and the Turkish ... - Zaim M.Necatigil (341.26095693/NEC/89) | 48377 |
The Cyprus tapes - David Matthews (956.9304/MAT/87) | 57685 |
The Cyprus tragedy (956.9304/CYP/7-) | 40417 |
The Cyprus tragedy - Pierre Oberling (956.93/OBE/89) | 77436 |
The Cyprus triangle - R.R.Denktaş (956.93/DEN/82) | 36461 |
The Cyprus triangle - R.R.Denktaş (956.93/DEN/88) | 57384 |
The dangerous house - Selen Asay (428.6/ASA/00) | 70618 |
The death of friendship - Türkan Aziz (610.730692/AZI/00) | 78820 |
The debate that never was - Osman Ertuğ (341.23013/ERT/97) | 87213 |
The diaries of Lorenzo... Vol.1 (956.9302092/DIA/02) | 77670 |
The diaries of Lorenzo... Vol.II (956.9302092/DIA/02) | 77671 |
The diary of Fuat Sami IV.c. (956.9304092/DIA/02) | 76171 |
The diary of Fuat Sami (1964-1965) (956.9304092/DIA/99) | 68191 |
The diary of Fuat Sami (1966-1967) (956.9304/DIA/00) | 73009 |
The diary of Fuat Sami III.c. - (Servet S.Dedeçay) (956.9304092/DIA/02) | 75708 |
The divided ısland - I.Ahmad (320.95693/AHM/99) | 79127 |
The double representation conspiracy - Pierre Oberling (956.9302/OBE/01) | 73132 |
The enchonted land - Noel K. Thomas (915.693/THO/7-) | 61225 |
The environment (363.7/ENV/92) | 52544 |
The European Union and Cyprus (341.242/EUR/96) | 77513 |
The European Union and Cyprus (341.242/EUR/96) | 88778 |
The facts about the separate majority right of the Turkish.. -Halit Ali Rıza (341.1/RIZ/63) | 18050 |
The facts of Cyprus (956.9304/FAC/75) | 90746 |
The facts on the Turkish intervention in Cyprus (956.9304/FAC/74) | 30101 |
The first partition - Makarios Drousiotis (956.9304/DRO/08) | 88462 |
The fortress of Kyrenia-Philip Newman (915.693/NEW/70) | 41353 |
The foundation tradition in Cyprus (721.095693/FOU/08) | 88107 |
The genocide files - Harry Scott Gibbons (956.9304/GIB/97) | 63914 |
The grand deception - Korkmaz Haktanır (956.9304/HAK/199-) | 82014 |
The guide of Northern Cyprus (915.693/GUI/95) | 87288 |
The guide of Northern Cyprus (915.693/GUI/96) | 67172 |
The headmaster in Cyprus - K.N.Neokleus (371.2012/NEO/71) | 82048 |
The heart of a nation - Pierre Oberling (306.0899435/OBE/07) | 84837 |
The heritage of North Cyprus - Rosamond Hanworth (930.1095693/HAN/8-) | 53967 |
The history of genocide I - Sefa M.Yürükel (364.151/YÜR/04) | 79413 |
The impartial knife - Peter Paris (956.9304092/PAR/9--) | 10942 |
The inhuman isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people (327.16/INH/06) | 86998 |
The island of Cyprus - L.Mangoian (915.693/MAN/47) | 81170 |
The Loizidou case - Zaim M.Necatigil (956.93/NEC/99) | 77715 |
The loss of a civilisation (363.6095693/LOS/09) | 89206 |
The Maronite icons (704.948/MAR/99) | 80052 |
The Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean (330.9569305/MID/87) | 61389 |
The muslims of Bosnia - Salahi R.Sonyel (323.1497/SON/94) | 80835 |
The new security concept and German-French ...- Siret Hürsoy (327.43044/HÜR/02) | 77233 |
The North Cyprus herbarium (581.075/NOR/91) | 68066 |
The official guide for new arrivals to Cyprus (915.693/OFF/73) | 33929 |
The Orthodox church in Cyprus - Edward Spears (281.95693/SPE/7-) | 61726 |
The Ottoman Armenians - Salahi R.Sonyel (956.100491992/ON/87) | 45704 |
The plundering of the cultural...-Petros Stylianou (363.69095693/STY/87) | 89203 |
The political economy of a Federal Cyprus-Andreas Theophanous (321.023/THE/96) | 85661 |
The political social and economic development of Northern Cyprus (956.9304/POL/90) | 86813 |
The position of the EU on Cyprus: references (341.242/POS/01) | 88928 |
The protection of human rights pending...-Loukis G.Loucaides (323/LOU/77) | 88645 |
The railways of Cyprus - Michael Radford (385.095693/RAD/03) | 86953 |
The rebirth of the Kingdom of Lambousa - William Dreghorn (915.693/DRE/91) | 87135 |
The refugees of Cyprus (956.9305/REF/92) | 88882 |
The remnant of love - Mehmet Nazım (819.33/MEH/04) | 78778 |
The Republic of Cyprus (956.9305/REP/94) | 88883 |
The Republic of Cyprus - Kypros Chrysostomides (341.29/CHR/00) | 85247 |
The right of the Turkish Cypriot people to .. - M.N.Münir Ertegün (956.9305/ERT/90) | 57381 |
The right of the Turkish Cypriot people to ... - M.Necati M.Ertegün (956.9305/ERT/96) | 60176 |
The road to Bellapais - Pierre Oberling (956.93/OBE/82) | 38047 |
The role of Great Britain in the middle east history - Vergi Bedevi (942/BED/19--) | 82052 |
The royal air force in Cyprus (910.95693/ROY/73) | 60407 |
The status of the two people in Cyprus (327.1095693/STA/97) | 63913 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1943 (340.525693/CYP/44) | 14665 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1878-1906 (340.525693/CYP/1906) | 7962 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1907-1912 (340.525693/CYP/13) | 84991 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1918 (340.525693/CYP/1919) | 10454 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1919 (340.525693/CYP/1920) | 10455 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1920 (340.525693/CYP/1921) | 10456 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1921 (340.525693/CYP/1922) | 10457 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1946 (340.525693/CYP/47) | 14666 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1949 (340.525693/CYP/50) | 14667 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1949 (340.525693/CYP/50) | 14669 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1949 (340.525693/CYP/50) | 14670 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1949 (340.525693/CYP/50) | 14671 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1951 (340.525693/CYP/52) | 14668 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1955 (340.525693/CYP/56) | 88916 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1959 (340.525693/CYP/59) | 61554 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1959 (340.525693/CYP/59) | 61555 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1959 (340.525693/CYP/59) | 61558 |
The statute laws of Cyprus 1959 (340.525693/CYP/59) | 61559 |
The statutes laws of Cyprus 1907-1912 (340.525693/CYP/1913) | 8123 |
The statutes laws of Cyprus 1959 (340.525693/CYP/59) | 61556 |
The statutes laws of Cyprus 1959 (340.525693/CYP/59) | 61557 |
The struggle of the Turkish ...- Salahi Sonyel (956.9304/SON/199-) | 82041 |
The Sultan of Berkeley Square - Tim Hindle (338.092/HIN/91) | 87474 |
The Swedish Cyprus expedition (930.10285/SWE/35) | 34076 |
The terror dossier and Greece - Cem Başar (303.625/BAŞ/93) | 75096 |
The terrorism Dossier&Greece II - Cem Başar (303.625/BAŞ/96) | 61982 |
The terrorism Dossier&Syrıa - Cem Başar (303.625/BAŞ/96) | 80791 |
The tragedy of Turkish Cypriot missing persons in Cyprus (956.9304/TRA/89) | 50686 |
The tragedy of Zyyi (956.9304/TRA/77) | 75083 |
The truth is sour - Hüseyin Cemil (956.9304/CEM/05) | 83111 |
The Turco-Armenian 'Adana incidents'...-Salahi R.Sonyel (322.4/SON/88) | 65957 |
The Turkish banking sector in the light ... (332.1/TUR/19--) | 82160 |
The Turkish case 70 : 30 (341.026/TUR/63) | 31997 |
The Turkish Cypriot state - Metin Tamkoç (956.9305/TAM/88) | 73997 |
The Turkish Cypriot yearbook ...- Hilmi Akil (342.0412/AKİ/87) | 82049 |
The Turkish goverments proposal ... (330.95693/TUR/68) | 79410 |
The Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus (956.9305/TUR/9-) | 55201 |
The Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus (956.9305/TUR/91) | 50682 |
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (956.9304/TUR/--) | 88758 |
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (956.9304/TUR/92) | 88757 |
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (956.9304/TUR/95) | 88759 |
The turks in Cyprus - Ahmet C.Gazioğlu (956.9302/GAZ/90) | 49593 |
The unknown aspects of the Cyprus reality (956.93/UNK/92) | 56420 |
The voice of Cyprus (320.95693/VOI/56) | 61736 |
The voice of Cyprus (956.9304/KÜÇ/9-) | 66773 |
The year being - Lucy Maroulleti (889.134/MAR/--) | 90416 |
This was Cyprus - T.Bilge (956.9304/BİL/76) | 75085 |
To catch the rainbow - Kamil Gökalp (928.21/KAM/97) | 65008 |
Tourist and businessman guide (025.5693/TOU/78) | 61197 |
Tours without tears (915.693/TOU/6-) | 60707 |
Trade and marketing in the TRNC (338.90095693/TRA/88) | 88943 |
Travelling artists in Cyprus - Rita C.Severis (759.95693/SEV/00) | 77637 |
Travels in the island of Cyprus - Claude D.Cobham (915.693/COB/71) | 47762 |
TRNC 13 years old (303.4/TUR/96) | 88768 |
TRNC guide - Çiler İncirli (915.693/TUR/99) | 78821 |
TRNC in perspective - Zaim M.Nejatigil (956.9305/NEJ/83) | 80748 |
Turkey and Cyprus (327.56105693/TUR/56) | 7460 |
Turkey in Europe - Turgut Özal (327.56104/ÖZA/91) | 74015 |
Turkey in the 21st century - İsmail Cem (303.49561/CEM/00) | 85082 |
Turkey in the new century - İsmail Cem (303.49561/CEM/01) | 74012 |
Turkey's place in Europe (341.242/TUR/88) | 87152 |
Turkey's relations with the Soviet Union and East Europe (327.561047/TUR/91) | 82021 |
Turkish answers to Greek charges on Cyprus (956.9304/TUR/9--) | 79175 |
Turkish challenge - Onur Öymen (303.49561/ÖYM/00) | 74010 |
Turkish colonisation (956.9305/TUR/198-) | 82046 |
Turkish Cypriot and mediterranean cookery - Misli Alberecht (641.592895/ALB/94) | 56575 |
Turkish Cypriot identity in literature (810/TUR/90) | 81829 |
Turkish Cypriot parliament (328.095693/TUR/87) | 88875 |
Turkish Cypriot view on reconciliation and the creation... (341.37095693/TUR/96) | 87223 |
Turkish monuments in Cyprus (721.09561/TUR/87) | 44867 |
Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus :economic report (330.9569305/TUR/86) | 73600 |
Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus 99 (915.045693/TUR/99) | 68165 |
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (956.9305/TUR/91) | 50685 |
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 97 (915.693/TUR/97) | 66783 |
Turkish views on the question of Cyprus (956.9304/TUR/64) | 25008 |
Turkish youth's call to Makarios (956.9304/TUR/76) | 40446 |
Turkish&Greek Cyprıots - Kenan Atakol (320.95693/ATA/03) | 80730 |
Turkish-Greek relations and the Balkans - M.C.Megalommatis (327.5610495/MEG/9-) | 57385 |
Turks say no to Enosis (956.9304/TUR/6-) | 18046 |
Türkisch für urlauber - Nevzat Neder (411.44/NED/89) | 54575 |
Twelve times in Nicosia - Panos Leventis (721.095693/LEV/05) | 85244 |
Two equal and sovereign people - Ahmet C.Gazioğlu (320.95693/GAZ/97) | 63819 |
Two equal and sovereign peoples - Ahmet C.Gazioğlu (320.95693/GAZ/99) | 68184 |
Two years in Cyprus (956.9303092/TWO/9--) | 80749 |
U. N. Aid to Cyprus (354.103095693/UNI/70) | 40670 |
U.N.speeches on Cyprus - R.R.Denktaş (351.89/DEN/86) | 77405 |
Un heritage de 400 ans (025.341/HER/08) | 88287 |
Under the shadow of the mebargo - Korkmaz Haktanır (341.582/HAK/01) | 87318 |
Untidy essays - Brian Self (070.442/SEL/07) | 87892 |
Uzun Ali - Özay Mehmet (818.4203/MEH/09) | 89807 |