V - W - Y - Z


TITLE                                                                                             DDC NUMBERS Inventory Number
VAX / VMS for students - Doğan İbrahim                                            (005.262/İBR/93) 61466
Verse at random - Ali S.Hilmi                                                              (811.42/HİL/53) 8958
Violations of human rights by Turkey in Cyprus- Loukis G.Loucaides         (323/LOU/81) 88642
Voices of stone : ... Wlilson E.Strand                                                 (939.37/STR/74) 48090
Walled Nicosia                                                                        (721.095693/WAL/200-) 82292
Walled Nicosia                                                                        (721.095693/WAL/200-) 82292
We must build up our relations ..- R.R.Denktaş                           (327.95693/DEN/198-) 82051
Welcome to the EU                                                                        (341.242/WEL/04) 88862
Whar does it mean to think historically                                               (375.9/WHA/04) 90073
What we cook                                                                                 (641.59/WHA/86) 84518
While the division of Cyprus continues - Alekos Konstantinidis           (070.442/KON/06) 84892
Who is at fault?                                                                            (956.9304/WHO/6-) 18053
Whom to blame?                                                                         (956.9304/WHO/75) 31996
Why did the inter-communal talks on Cyprus-Salahi R.Sonyel          (956.9304/SON/00) 69941
Why independence                                                                       (956.9305/WHY/83) 57490
Why independence                                                                       (956.9305/WHY/96) 88877
Why solidarity for Cyprus?                                                               (956.93/WHY/83) 41397
Why Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus                                      (956.9305/WHY/83) 41398
With compliment from Cyprus                                                         (956.9304/WIT/83) 57485
Women in working life in North Cyprus                                (331.4133095693/WOM/04) 78670
Year 2007 academic comments on Cyprus' politics- Ata Atun          (320.95693/ATU/08) 87047
Your quide to Cyprus                                                                      (915.693/YOU/6-) 33991
Zur Zypernfrage - M.Aksoy                                                                (956.93/AKS/74)  41920
Zypern                                                                                         (704.9499/ZYP/73) 57678
Zypern                                                                                         (704.9499/ZYP/73) 57679
Zypern - Patroclos Stavrou                                                               (915.693/STA/8-) 33920
Zypern - V.Karageorghis                                                              (930.10283/KAR/68) 60957